Examples of Artistic Work

The Chico Poems, The Chico Poems is a suite of eight poems contained in a custom designed case. This project was inspired by my late mother Chico Nebenzahl (1916-2000), who penned the poems in the early 1940’s. With the support of a McKnight Fellowship for Book Artists, the project took a year to produce as I employed the light of the sun to create the cyanotype prints in the spring, summer and fall of 2022. Letterpress and cyanotype printing come together to share these short, sometimes acerbic poems. A posthumous collaboration with my mother, who wrote poetry and fiction in her in twenties in Chicago but never shared them widely, gave me a chance to bring these poems out of their long rest and into the light.

Box Works, These twelve box works continues my consideration of the photograph as object and the elusive qualities of the natural world. They invite us to enter a space where abstraction, landscape and nature share space. My exploration of folding and constructing new images in three-dimensions creates new ways to observe and experience shifts and changes in the natural world. The constructions are made with rice papers in the shapes of pentagonal dipyramids, octahedrons, square trapezohedrons and cuboctahedrons.

Box Works

Rene’s Box,  “The idea of making a shadow into a 3D object was compelling and transformative and I appreciated all aspects of this project’s presentation––it reminded me of the boxes that held my rock collections in my youth. To capture something that is ever changing in such a unique and thoughtful way made this work even more intriguing." -Aline Smithson, curator/artist

Notes, This body of work builds on my experimentation with multiple montage printing and using found paper to explore folding and constructing new images.

Handemic Gloves, A project created during the first summer of Covid. My creative answer to the wearing of gloves during Covid.

My talk at Minnesota Center for Book Arts, April 2023 1:07